English Grammar এ correction of sentence খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়। Correction শব্দের অর্থ শুদ্ধিকরণ আর Sentence অর্থ বাক্য। সুতরাং Correction of sentence এর শাব্দিক অর্থ হচ্ছে বাক্য শুদ্ধিকরণ। ইংরেজি sentence লেখার সময় আমরা প্রায়ঃশই grammar ও শব্দের প্রয়োগজতিত ভুল করে থাকি।এই ভুলগুলো সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করা হয় correction of sentence অধ্যায়ে। চলুন নিয়ম ও উদাহরণের মাধ্যমে correction of sentence সম্পর্কে সম্যক জ্ঞান লাভ করা যাক-
Rule 1 সাধারণ অর্থযুক্ত একটি sentence এ যদি subject হিসেবে ৩টি person (1st person, 2nd person, third person) ই থাকে তাহলে প্রথমে 2nd person তারপর 3rd person এবং শেষে 1st person বসে। মনে রাখার সূত্রটি হলো- 231 (2= 2nd person, 3= 3rd person, 1= 1st person)
Incorrect: I he and you will eat dinner.
Correct: You he and I will eat dinner.
Incorrect: He you and I are playing games.
Correct: You he and I are playing games.
Incorrect: I you and he were watching television
Correct: You he and I were watching television.
কিন্তু কোন দোষ স্বীকার বা দায় স্বীকার করা বুঝালে প্রথম 1st person তারপর 2nd person এবং শেষে 3rd person. মনে রাখার সূত্র- 123.
Incorrect: You he and I have stolen her flowers.
Correct: I you and he are stolen her flowers.
Incorrect: You I and he are responsible for the accident.
Correct: I you and he are responsible for the accident.
Incorrect: He I and you have killed the bird.
Correct: I you and he have killed the bird.
Structure: 2nd person+3rd person+1st person--> 231 (সাধারণ অর্থে)
1st person+2nd person+3rd person--> 123 (দায় স্বীকার অর্থে)
উল্লেখ্য, যেহেতু প্রতিটি বাক্যে subject ৩টি অর্থাৎ subject বহুবচন (plural) রূপে রয়েছে। তাই auxiliary verb হিসেবে এদের পর are/were.have/had/will/do ইত্যদি বসবে। অর্থাৎ সাধারণত subject বহুবচন হলে auxiliary হিসেবে যা বসে তাই বসবে]
Rule 2: প্রদত্ত বাক্যে Insist থাকলে সেটির পর preposition হিসেবে on বসে এবং Persist থাকলে সেটির পর preposition হিসেবে in বসে তারপর passive case (my, our, your, his, her, their) বসে এববগ পরবর্তী verb এর সাথে (ing) যুক্ত হয়।
Structure: 1. Subject+Insist on+possessive case+verb (ing).
2.Subject+persist in+possessive case+verb (ing).
[Insist= কোনোকিছু করানোর জন্য জিদ করা বা জোর করা।
Persist= কোনোকিছু ছাড়ানোর জন্য জিদ করা।]
Example 1
Incorrect: Father insisted me to go to school.
Correct: Father insisted on my going to school.
Incorrect: I insisted him to read book.
Correct: I insisted on his reading book.
Incorrect: He insists me to join the group.
Correct: He insists on my joining the group.
Incorrect: Mother insisted me to eat rice.
Correct: Mother insisted on my eating rice.
Example 2
Incorrect: Father persisted me to browse Facebook
Correct: Father persisted in my browsing Facebook.
Incorrect: I persisted him to smoke.
Correct: I persisted in his smoking.
Incorrect: He persists me to watch foreign movies.
Correct: He persists on my watching foreign movies..
Incorrect: Mother persisted me to eat junk foods.
Correct: Mother persisted on my eating junk foods.
Rule 3: প্রদত্ত বাক্যে subject যদি ভগ্নাংশ আকারে থাকে তাহলে সেক্ষেত্রে "লব" এর দিকে খেয়াল করতে হবে। অর্থাৎ 'লব' singular number হলে 'হর'- ও singular number হবে এবং 'লব' plural number হলে 'হর'- ও plural number হবে। যেমনঃ
1/3= one third (এক তৃতীয়াংশ)।
2/3= two thirds (দুই তৃতীয়াংশ)।
তবে Subject ও verb agreement অর্থাৎ এরূপ subject এর পরে verb/auxiliary verb এর ব্যবহার সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকতে হবে।
ভগ্নাংশের ঠিক পরের অংশ singular হলে সেক্ষেত্রে singular verb (is/was/has) ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং সেটি plural হলে সেক্ষত্রে plural verb (are/were/have) ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Example 1
Incorrect: One third of the students was present in the class.
Correct: One third of the students were present in the class.
Incorrect: One third of the animals is mild (শান্ত) in this jungle.
Correct: One third of the animals are mild in this jungle.
Incorrect: One third of the boys has a car in this town.
Correct: One third of the boys have a car in this town.
লক্ষ্য করুন, One third দেখতে singular মনে হলেও এটি মূলত plural. কারণ এর পরের অংশ (the students/the animals/the boys) হচ্ছে plural. তাই (is/was/has) না বসে (are/were/have) বসেছে।
Example 2
Incorrect: Two thirds of the work have been finished.
Correct: Two thirds of the work has been finished.
Incorrect: Two thirds of the garden are dirty.
Correct: Two thirds of the garden is dirty.
Incorrect: Two thirds of the land were mine.
Correct: Two thirds of the land was mine.
লক্ষ্য করুন, "Two thirds" দেখতে plural মনে হলেও মূলত এটি singular. কারণ এর পরের অংশ (the work, the garden, the land) হচ্ছে plural. তাই (are/were/have) না বসে (is/was/has)বসেছে।
আশা করি বুঝতে পারলেন।
Rule 4: Good morning এর আগে verb হিসেবে wish/wished বসে কিন্তু Good bye এর আগে verb হিসেবে bid/bade বসে।
Example 1
Incorrect: He said me good morning.
Correct: He wished me good morning.
Incorrect: They say him good morning.
Correct: They wish him good morning.
Example 2
Incorrect: He said me good bye.
Correct: He bade me good bye.
Incorrect: He says us good bye.
Correct: He bids us good bye.
[উল্লেখ্য, bid এর past form হলো bade এবং wish এর past form হলো wished.]
Rule 5: কাওকে মন্দ কিছু (liar, fool, joker, humorist (ফাজিল/রসিক), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক) বলার ক্ষেত্রে verb হিসেবে call/called ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Incorrect: She said him a liar.
Correct: She called him a liar.
Incorrect: They said you a joker.
Correct: They called you a joker.
Incorrect: I say him a traitor.
Correct: I call him a traitor.
Rule 6: Mistake/error এর পূর্বে verb হিসেবে make/made বসে।
Incorrect: He did a big mistake.
Correct: He made a big mistake.
Incorrect: She did an error.
Correct: She made an error
Incorrect: We usually do mistake in English grammar.
Correct: We usually make mistake in English grammar.
Incorrect: Don't do any mistake while writing.
Correct: Don't make any mistake while writing.
Incorrect: I have done an error while solving the problem.
Correct: I have made an error while solving the problem.
Rule 7: "Wrong" এর পূর্বে verb হিসেবে do/did বসে।
Incorrect: He made a big wrong.
Correct: He did a big wrong.
Incorrect: She made a wrong
Correct: She did a wrong.
Incorrect: We usually make wrong in English grammar.
Correct: We usually do wrong in English grammar.
Incorrect: Don't make any wrong while writing.
Correct: Don't do any wrong while writing.
Incorrect: I have made a wrong while solving the problem.
Correct: I have done a wrong while solving the problem.
Rule 8: Crime (অপরাধ)/Sin (পাপ) এর পূর্বে verb হিসেবে commit/committed বসে।
Incorrect: The person did a great sin.
Correct: The person committed a great sin.
Incorrect: We have to get punished if we do any crime.
Correct: We have to get punished if we commit any crime.
Incorrect: The king did a crime to save himself.
Correct: The king committed a crime to save himself.
Incorrect: Criminals usually do a lot of crime.
Correct: Criminals usually commit a lot of crime.
Rule 9: Hung এবং Hanged দুইটা word এর অর্থ 'ঝুলানো'। কোনো বস্তু ঝুলানোর ক্ষেত্রে Hung ব্যবহৃত হয়, এবং কাওকে ফাসিতে ঝুলানোর ক্ষেত্রে Hanged ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Example 1
Incorrect: He hanged a photo frame in the wall.
Correct: He hung a photo frame in the wall.
Incorrect: I hanged a calendar in the wall.
Correct: I hung the calendar in the wall.
Example 2
Incorrect: He was hung for a rape.
Correct: He was hanged for a rape.
Incorrect: The man was hung for a murder.
Correct: The man was hanged for a murder.
Rule 10: পরিদর্শন করার ক্ষেত্রে visit এর পূর্বে verb হিসেবে pay/paid বসে।
Incorrect: He gave a visit to our village.
Correct: He paid a visit to our village.
Incorrect: Rakib give a visit to Chattogram.
Correct: Rakib paid a visit to Chattogram.
Rule 11: বক্তৃতা দেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে Speech/Lecture এর পূর্বে verb হিসেবে deliver/delivered বসে।
Incorrect: The chairman gave a long lecture.
Correct: The chairman delivered a long lecture.
Incorrect: The teacher gave a great speech in the classroom.
Correct: The teacher delivered a great speech in the classroom.
Rule 12: কোনকিছুর হিসেব দেয়া ও বর্ণনা দেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে "Account" এবং " "Description" এর পূর্বে verb হিসেবে give/gave বসে।
Incorrect: Make a description of your topic.
Correct: Give a description of your topic.
Incorrect: I made a description of my village.
Correct: I gave a description of my village.
Incorrect: He made an account of his works.
Correct: He gave an account of his works.
চলতে থাকবে।
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